Showing revision 4.0



  convert a MATLAB object (cell, struct or array) into a JSON (JavaScript
  Object Notation) string

  author: Qianqian Fang (fangq<at>
             created on 2011/09/09

       rootname: name of the root-object, if set to '', will use variable name
       obj: a MATLAB object (array, cell, cell array, struct, struct array)
       opt: a struct for additional options, use [] if all use default
         opt can have the following fields (first in [.|.] is the default)
         opt.FloatFormat ['%.10g'|string]: format to show each numeric element
                          of a 1D/2D array;
         opt.ArrayIndent [1|0]: if 1, output explicit data array with
                          precedent indentation; if 0, no indentation
         opt.ArrayToStruct[0|1]: when set to 0, savejson outputs 1D/2D
                          array in JSON array format; if sets to 1, an
                          array will be shown as a struct with fields
                          "_ArrayType_", "_ArraySize_" and "_ArrayData_"; for
                          sparse arrays, the non-zero elements will be
                          saved to _ArrayData_ field in triplet-format i.e.
                          (ix,iy,val) and "_ArrayIsSparse_" will be added
                          with a value of 1; for a complex array, the 
                          _ArrayData_ array will include two columns 
                          (4 for sparse) to record the real and imaginary 
                          parts, and also "_ArrayIsComplex_":1 is added. 
         opt.ParseLogical [0|1]: if this is set to 1, logical array elem
                          will use true/false rather than 1/0.
         opt.NoRowBracket [1|0]: if this is set to 1, arrays with a single
                          numerical element will be shown without a square
                          bracket, unless it is the root object; if 0, square
                          brackets are forced for any numerical arrays.
         opt can be replaced by a list of ('param',value) pairs. The param 
         string is equivallent to a field in opt.
       json: a string in the JSON format (see

       a=struct('node',[1  9  10; 2 1 1.2], 'elem',[9 1;1 2;2 3],...
            'face',[9 01 2; 1 2 3; NaN,Inf,-Inf], 'author','FangQ');

     BSD or GPL version 3, see LICENSE_{BSD,GPLv3}.txt files for details

 -- this function is part of jsonlab toolbox (
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