iso2mesh: a 3D surface and volumetric mesh generator for MATLAB/Octave

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- Details of this software can be found in the below papers (citing the 2019 paper is encouraged because it is more recent):
What's New
- [2024/10/20] We are pleased to announce Iso2Mesh v1.9.8. Major changes can be found in the ChangeLog. Download it from this page.
- [2018/07/19] It is our pleasure to announce the availability of Iso2Mesh 2018 (v1.9, code name: Century Egg)! There were many updates and bug fixes, including the new mesh interpolation functions, NIRFAST mesh file support, and source codes for the builtin meshing utilities. Please upgrade your iso2mesh to the latest release today!
- [2017/01/16] Happy new year 2017! We are happy to announce Iso2mesh v1.8 (iso2mesh 2017)! This new version contains important updates for robust surface boolean operators using the new Cork utility, 5 new functions, and a list of bug fixes and new features. The JSONlab toolbox was updated to v1.5 and Tetgen was upgraded to 1.5.1. You are highly recommended to upgrade!
- [2015/09/19]After two-year continuous development, Iso2mesh v1.7.9 (Deviled Egg beta) is finally released! The new release contains nearly 100 new commits, including many bug fixes, and dozens of new features. With Deviled Egg beta, meshrefine and plotmesh became more powerful; meshing grid-like structures became easy; rapid mesh rasterization is made possible using graphics and GPU, and JSONlab won "Pick of the week" on MATLAB File Exchange. Please download it, and have a test drive! ~~Happy meshing!~~
- [2015/09/01] Qianqian has moved! He is now a faculty member of the new Bioengineering Department of Northeastern University.
- [2013/07/16] It is the summer of 2013, the final release of Iso2mesh 2013 is here! Peter Varga@Charité had contributed a patch to set mesh density for each label with cgalmesher. Also, you can plot mesh slices directly in plotmesh. See Release notes and ChangeLogs for details. To download the latest files, please follow the instructions in this link. Please post your feedback at our mailing list.
- [2013/01/21] Happy new year! After 20 months of active development, we are proud to announce that a new beta release, Iso2mesh 2013, has finally arrived! This is the first major release towards the 2.0 milestone. Many new features were added. The toolbox grew by 30% in functions and 100% in size. Please read the Release notes and ChangeLogs for the detailed updates. The download files are available for Linux, Windows and Mac.
- [2012/07/07] iso2mesh processing work-flow diagram is updated to reflect the latest status of iso2mesh v2.0 development. [Update 2012/07/12]: added v3 roadmap.
- [2011/11/18] A useful update to qmeshcut.m was committed to SVN. You can now use qmeshcut to create isosurfaces from a mesh, or even an arbitrary surface defined by an implicit expression. Check it out from SVN. Here is the demo.
- [2011/10/16] Initially developed as a component of iso2mesh, a JSON encoder/decoder module has reached to a certain level of stability and I created a small sub-project named "JSONlab" for it. Today, the first JSONlab release is provided. JSONlab will also be part of iso2mesh's future releases.
- [2011/06/03]Iso2mesh v1.0.1 is announced. This update contains a dozen of bug fixes, making iso2mesh even more robust. Please read the Release notes and ChangeLogs. Download it from here.
- [2011/02/27] The most important release yet of the iso2mesh toolbox, i.e. version 1.0, has finally arrived! Please read the Release notes and ChangeLogs to find more details. This is a stable release and is highly recommended to install or upgrade.
- [2011/02/05] A new digital brain atlas FEM mesh has just been released. The process of making this mesh is a great example showing how to use iso2mesh utilities to create complex meshes. The detailed mesh generation process, including the matlab script, is described in a "narrative" Release Note.
- [2011/01/31] The release candidate of iso2mesh 1.0 (i.e. v0.9.9) is now available for download. Please read the release note, full ChangeLog and SVN commit history to learn more details.
- [2011/01/03] Happy new year! New functions were added to iso2mesh to allow one to mesh simple geometries, such as a box, a sphere and an ellipsoid. After some final touches, the iso2mesh v1.0 RC1 is going to be announced soon.
- [2010/11/08] Thanks to the helpful comments from Laurent Rineau, the author of CGAL surface mesher, there has been some nice progress to make iso2mesh repeatable. Please download and test the latest SVN code and let me know any issues.
- [2010/07/24] For those of you who had not attended the wonderful symposium organized by Dartmouth NIRFAST team last week, you can download my slides on iso2mesh from here (PDF, 4.6MB). I will soon add the "Hello World" example to the SVN.
- [2010/07/14] Iso2mesh 1.0-beta (aka 0.9.8) is now released! It has been over a year since the previous release and the new software contains numerous updates and additions. Please download the new version from this page.
- [2010/06/27] Function surf2mesh now accepts cell-formatted surface input, representing a group of PLCs of a solid, and making this type of mesh possible. New plotting subroutines, plotmesh, allows flexible plotting and slicing of 3D meshes.
- [2010/06/06] A new processing-path, surf2vol, in the roadmap is finally working! please check it out from SVN and run the test script.
- [2010/05/10] While preparing for a paper, I added more functions to iso2mesh. Particularly, iso2mesh now supports mesh refinement by exploiting the existing features from tetgen (thanks to Hang Si, the author of tetgen). See this page for a demo (the demo also shows how to create spheres from iso2mesh). If you want to try it, please check out the latest code from SVN.
- [2010/04/25] Added simple DXF and VRML format exporters. The exported DXF mesh can be opened by SolidWorks and Blender, but, at this point, for surface meshes only.
- [2010/04/25] Binaries of cgalmesh and cgalpoly were added to iso2mesh for both Windows and Mac OSX. You can use the 'cgalmesh' option now on these platforms when using v2m or vol2mesh commands to mesh a binary or multi-region volume (with the svn version only). See sample/demo cgalmesher.m for an example.
- [2009/11/04] iso2mesh now moves to subversions (SVN) for source code management. If you have checked out iso2mesh with CVS, please checkout it again with SVN. The CVS code will not be updated in the future.
- [2009/10/13] For those who are interested, please check-out the latest SVN code and find a demo on how to use the 'cgalmesh' option, extract surfaces from a sub-region, perform surface smoothing and grow tetrahedral mesh from the sub-region. The example code is explained here
- [2009/10/07] The long-waited CGAL 3D mesher was finally released as part of CGAL 3.5-beta by the CGAL developers. After some tweaking and compilation, a new meshing option, cgalmesh was now added in iso2mesh. One can use this option either in v2m or vol2mesh, or directly call a new function cgalv2m.m. The binary executable, 'cgalmesh' was only compiled for Linux (32/64bit), and will support Windows/Mac OS soon. Because CGAL 3D mesher can handle non-manifold surfaces, this will be the default option for iso2mesh in the next release. If you want to try this new tool, please download the latest code via SVN and test your data on a Linux box.
- [2009/07/24] Recently, there are increasing reports about empty output from meshresample. Although this was explained in the FAQ, it would still be great if users do not need to worry about this. The updates I committed this morning solved this issue and now iso2mesh perform one pass of automatic repairing. Please download this new version and overwrite your copy of meshresample.m.
- [2009/07/01] I presented iso2mesh in the poster session at IEEE ISBI'2009. Here you can download the PDF (2.5M) version of the poster. You can find an up-to-date summary of the software there. Please let me know if you have any questions.
- [2009/06/09] The next major release of iso2mesh will be v1.0 (codename Tofu). A new function, surf2img, will be added is to convert a closed surface to a binary volume; this will take advantage of qmeshcut and is expected to be very fast. Here and here, you can find the work-in-progress, but surf2img is not completely working due to the alignment of the origins. Suggestions or fixes are welcome!
- [2009/05/04] iso2mesh v0.8.0 (codename Hotpot) is released. Please read the ChangeLog and proceed to download.
- [2009/05/04] Now meshing a gray-scale 3D image by thresholds is officially supported ! (just committed to SVN), see a tutorial on how to create mesh from a gray-scale image.
- [2009/04/07] A short paper describing iso2mesh toolbox was accepted by IEEE ISBI2009.
- [2009/03/09] BUG fix: the CGAL surface mesher, an external tool used in iso2mesh, was found to have difficulties when meshing objects with pointy structures. When this happens, the surface extraction step will run forever, and eventually exhaust the system memory. A few changes were committed to SVN this afternoon, solving this problem by setting a maximum node number for the surface extraction. Users can use opt.maxnode to override the node limit.
- [2009/02/11] Hotpot-beta (i.e. 0.7.9-1) is now ready for download. Read the Doc/ChangeLog here. All Mac-based executables were compiled and tested on both PowerPC and Intel Macs (thanks to Kishalay Kundu); binaries for Linux were also recompiled with -O3 options and should be faster/smaller than the older releases. I would like to hear from for any feedback testing this package.
- [2009/02/08] Hotpot (codename for iso2mesh v0.8) is almost ready to serve! Exciting new features were added such as the more robust surface mesher, sub-region and hole labeling, recompiled tetgen on windows, improved compatibilities with Octave and more detailed documents.
- [2009/01/07] Thanks for suggestions from Pierre Alliez, the CGAL surface mesher was now incorporated into iso2mesh to replace the binsurface+meshresample approach. The new surface mesher guarantees to have no self-intersecting elements. I am now able to mesh challenging human brain (with complex cortex surface) and head with this new tool, as show on the right.
- [2008/12/26] More options for mesh smoothing: Laplacian, Laplacian-HT and Low-pass filtering.
- [2008/12/22] Initial support for multi-region/hole for tetgen.
- [2008/12/17] NEW:metch: a mesh/volume registration toolbox, is now released with its first alpha version.
- [2008/12/05] iso2mesh is now compatible with GNU Octave.
- [2008/12/04] binsurface: fast (triangular/rectangular) iso-surface extraction, producing well-behaved surfaces.
- [2008/11/29] qmeshcut: fast tetrahedral mesh cross-sectional plot.
- [2008/11/08] iso2mesh v0.5.1 is now ready for download. It now supports GNU/Linux, Windows and Mac OS platforms.
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