Showing revision 1

1. List of functions

1.1. Streamlined mesh generation - shortcuts

function [node,elem,face]=v2m(img,isovalues,opt,maxvol,method)

 volumetric mesh generation from binary or gray-scale volumetric images
 shortcut for vol2mesh
 inputs and outputs are similar to those defined in vol2mesh

function [no,el,regions,holes]=v2s(img,isovalues,opt,method)

 surface mesh generation from binary or gray-scale volumetric images
 shortcut for vol2surf
 inputs and outputs are similar to those defined in vol2surf

function [node,elem,face]=s2m(v,f,keepratio,maxvol)

 volumetric mesh generation from a closed surface, shortcut for surf2mesh
 inputs and outputs are similar to those defined in surf2mesh

function newnode=sms(node,face,iter,alpha)

 simplified version of surface mesh smoothing
    node:  node coordinates of a surface mesh
    face:  face element list of the surface mesh
    iter:  smoothing iteration number
    alpha: scaler, smoothing parameter, v(k+1)=alpha*v(k)+(1-alpha)*mean(neighbors)
    newnode: output, the smoothed node coordinates

1.2. Streamlined mesh generation

function [node,elem,face]=vol2mesh(img,ix,iy,iz,opt,maxvol,dofix,method,isovalues)

 convert a binary (or multi-valued) volume to tetrahedral mesh
	 img: a volumetric binary image
	 ix,iy,iz: subvolume selection indices in x,y,z directions
	 opt: as defined in vol2surf.m
	 maxvol: target maximum tetrahedral elem volume
	 dofix: 1: perform mesh validation&repair, 0: skip repairing
	 method: 'cgalsurf' or omit: use CGAL surface mesher
		 'simplify': use binsurface and then simplify
		 'cgalmesh': use CGAL 3.5 3D mesher for direct mesh generation [new]
		 generally speaking, 'cgalmesh' is the most robust path
		 if you want to product meshes from binary or multi-region
		 volumes, however, its limitations include 1) only accept 
		 uint8 volume, and 2) can not extract meshes from gray-scale
		 volumes. If ones goal is to process a gray-scale volume,
		 he/she should use the 'cgalsurf' option. 'simplify' approach
		 is not recommended unless other options failed.
	 isovalues: a list of isovalues where the levelset is defined
	 node: output, node coordinates of the tetrahedral mesh
	 elem: output, element list of the tetrahedral mesh, the last 
	       column is the region ID
	 face: output, mesh surface element list of the tetrahedral mesh
	       the last column denotes the boundary ID

function [no,el,regions,holes]=vol2surf(img,ix,iy,iz,opt,dofix,method,isovalues)

 converting a 3D volumetric image to surfaces
	 img: a volumetric binary image; if img is empty, vol2surf will
	      return user defined surfaces via if it exists
	 ix,iy,iz: subvolume selection indices in x,y,z directions
	 opt: function parameters
	   if method is 'cgalsurf':
	     opt=a float number>1: max radius of the Delaunay sphere(element size) 
	     opt.radbound: same as above, max radius of the Delaunay sphere
	     opt.distbound: maximum deviation from the specified isosurfaces
	     opt(1,2,...).radbound: same as above, for each levelset
	   if method is 'simplify':
	     opt=a float number<1: compression rate for surf. simplification
	     opt.keeyratio=a float less than 1: same as above, same for all surf.
	     opt(1,2,..).keeyratio: setting compression rate for each levelset
	   opt(1,2,..).maxsurf: 1 - only use the largest disjointed surface
				0 - use all surfaces for that levelset
          opt(1,2,..).side: - 'upper': threshold at upper interface
                              'lower': threshold at lower interface
	   opt(1,2,..).maxnode: - the maximum number of surface node per levelset
	   opt(1,2,..).holes: user specified holes interior pt list
	   opt(1,2,..).regions: user specified regions interior pt list
	   opt(1,2,..).surf.{node,elem}: add additional surfaces
	   opt(1,2,..).{A,B}: linear transformation for each surface
	 dofix: 1: perform mesh validation&repair, 0: skip repairing
	 method: - if method is 'simplify', iso2mesh will first call
		   binsurface to generate a voxel-based surface mesh and then
		   use meshresample/meshcheckrepair to create a coarser mesh;
		 - if method is 'cgalsurf', iso2mesh will call the surface
		   extraction program from CGAL to make surface mesh
		 - if method is not specified, 'cgalsurf' is assumed by default
	 isovalues: a list of isovalues where the levelset is defined
	 no:  list of nodes on the resulting suface mesh, 3 columns for x,y,z
	 el:  list of trianglular elements on the surface, [n1,n2,n3,region_id]
	 regions: list of interior points for all sub-region, [x,y,z]
	 holes:   list of interior points for all holes, [x,y,z]

function [node,elem,face]=surf2mesh(v,f,p0,p1,keepratio,maxvol,regions,holes,forcebox)

 create quality volumetric mesh from isosurface patches
 input parameters:
      v: input, isosurface node list, dimension (nn,3)
         if v has 4 columns, the last column specifies mesh density near each node
      f: input, isosurface face element list, dimension (be,3)
      p0: input, coordinates of one corner of the bounding box, p0=[x0 y0 z0]
      p1: input, coordinates of the other corner of the bounding box, p1=[x1 y1 z1]
      keepratio: input, percentage of elements being kept after the simplification
      maxvol: input, maximum tetrahedra element volume
      regions: list of regions, specifying by an internal point for each region
      holes: list of holes, similar to regions
      forcebox: 1: add bounding box, 0: automatic
      node: output, node coordinates of the tetrahedral mesh
      elem: output, element list of the tetrahedral mesh
      face: output, mesh surface element list of the tetrahedral mesh 
             the last column denotes the boundary ID

function img=surf2vol(node,face,xi,yi,zi)

 convert a triangular surface to a shell of voxels in a 3D image
	 node: node list of the triangular surface, 3 columns for x/y/z
	 face: triangle node indices, each row is a triangle
	 xi,yi,zi: x/y/z grid for the resulting volume
	 img: a volumetric binary image at position of ndgrid(xi,yi,zi)

1.3. iso2mesh main function backend

function [node,elem]=binsurface(img,nface)

 fast isosurface extraction from 3D binary images
   img:  a 3D binary image
   nface: nface=3 or ignored - for triangular faces, 
          nface=4 - square faces
          nface=0 - return a boundary mask image via node
   elem: integer array with dimensions of NE x nface, each row represents
         a surface mesh face element 
   node: node coordinates, 3 columns for x, y and z respectively
 the outputs of this subroutine can be easily plotted using 
 if the surface mesh has triangular faces, one can plot it with

function [node,elem,face]=cgalv2m(vol,opt,maxvol)

 wrapper for CGAL 3D mesher (CGAL 3.5)
 convert a binary (or multi-valued) volume to tetrahedral mesh
	 vol: a volumetric binary image
	 ix,iy,iz: subvolume selection indices in x,y,z directions
	 opt: parameters for CGAL mesher, if opt is a structure, then
	     opt.radbound: defines the maximum surface element size
	     opt.angbound: defines the miminum angle of a surface triangle
	     opt.surfaceapprox: defines the maximum distance between the 
		 center of the surface bounding circle and center of the 
		 element bounding sphere
	     opt.reratio:  maximum radius-edge ratio
	     if opt is a scalar, it only specifies radbound.
	 maxvol: target maximum tetrahedral elem volume
	 node: output, node coordinates of the tetrahedral mesh
	 elem: output, element list of the tetrahedral mesh, the last 
	      column is the region id
	 face: output, mesh surface element list of the tetrahedral mesh
	      the last column denotes the boundary ID
	      note: each triangle will appear twice in the face list with each
		    one attaches to each side of the interface. one can remove
		    the redundant triangles by unique(face(:,1:3),'rows')

function [node,elem,face]=cgals2m(v,f,opt,maxvol)

 wrapper for CGAL 3D mesher (CGAL 3.5)
 convert a binary (or multi-valued) volume to tetrahedral mesh
	 v: the node coordinate list of a surface mesh (nn x 3)
	 f: the face element list of a surface mesh (be x 3)
	 opt: parameters for CGAL mesher, if opt is a structure, then
	     opt.radbound: defines the maximum surface element size
	     opt.angbound: defines the miminum angle of a surface triangle
	     opt.surfaceapprox: defines the maximum distance between the 
		 center of the surface bounding circle and center of the 
		 element bounding sphere
	     opt.reratio:  maximum radius-edge ratio
	     if opt is a scalar, it only specifies radbound.
	 maxvol: target maximum tetrahedral elem volume
	 node: output, node coordinates of the tetrahedral mesh
	 elem: output, element list of the tetrahedral mesh, the last 
	      column is the region id
	 face: output, mesh surface element list of the tetrahedral mesh
	      the last column denotes the boundary ID

function [node,elem]=vol2restrictedtri(vol,thres,cent,brad,ang,radbound,distbound,maxnode)

 surface mesh extraction using CGAL mesher
       vol: a 3D volumetric image
       thres: a scalar as the threshold of of the extraction
       cent: a 3d position (x,y,z) which locates inside the resulting
             mesh, this is automatically computed from vol2surf
       brad: maximum bounding sphere squared of the resulting mesh
       ang: minimum angular constrains of the resulting tranglar elements
            (in degrees)
       radbound: maximum triangle delaunay circle radius
       distbound: maximum delaunay sphere distances
       maxnode: maximum number of surface nodes (even radbound is not reached)
       node: the list of 3d nodes in the resulting surface (x,y,z)
       elem: the element list of the resulting mesh (3 columns of integers)

function img=surf2volz(node,face,xi,yi,zi)

 convert a triangular surface to a shell of voxels in a 3D image
 along the z-axis
	 node: node list of the triangular surface, 3 columns for x/y/z
	 face: triangle node indices, each row is a triangle
	 xi,yi,zi: x/y/z grid for the resulting volume
	 img: a volumetric binary image at position of ndgrid(xi,yi,zi)

1.4. Mesh decomposition and query

function facecell=finddisconnsurf(f)

 subroutine to extract disconnected surfaces from a 
 cluster of surfaces
 Date: 2008/03/06
     f: faces defined by node indices for all surface triangles
     facecell: separated disconnected surface node indices

function openedge=surfedge(f)

 find the edge of an open surface or surface of a volume
      f: input, surface face element list, dimension (be,3)
      openedge: list of edges of the specified surface

function openface=volface(t)

 find the surface patches of a volume
      t: input, volumetric element list, dimension (ne,4)
      openface: list of faces of the specified volume

function loops=extractloops(edges)

 extract individual loops from an edge table of a loop
    edges:  two column matrix recording the starting/ending 
             points of all edge segments
    loops:  output, a single vector separated by NaN, each segment
             is a close-polygon consisted by node IDs

function [conn,connnum,count]=meshconn(elem,nn)

 create node neighbor list from a mesh
    elem:  element table of a mesh
    nn  :  total node number of the mesh
    conn:  output, a cell structure of length nn, conn{n}
           contains a list of all neighboring node ID for node n
    connnum: vector of length nn, denotes the neighbor number of each node
    count: total neighbor numbers

function centroid=meshcentroid(v,f)

 compute the centroids of a mesh defined by nodes and elements
 (surface or tetrahedra) in R^n space
      v: surface node list, dimension (nn,3)
      f: surface face element list, dimension (be,3)
      centroid: centroid positions, one row for each element

function nodevol=nodevolume(node,elem)

 calculate the Voronoi volume of each node in a simplex mesh
    node:  node coordinates
    elem:  element table of a mesh
    nodevol:   volume values for all nodes

function vol=elemvolume(node,elem,option)

 calculate the volume for a list of simplexes
    node:  node coordinates
    elem:  element table of a mesh
    option: if option='signed', the volume is the raw determinant,
            else, the results will be the absolute values
    vol:   volume values for all elements

function [conn,connnum,count]=neighborelem(elem,nn);

 create node neighbor list from a mesh
    elem:  element table of a mesh
    nn  :  total node number of the mesh
    conn:  output, a cell structure of length nn, conn{n}
           contains a list of all neighboring elem ID for node n
    connnum: vector of length nn, denotes the neighbor number of each node
    count: total neighbor numbers

function facenb=faceneighbors(t,opt)

 to find 4 face-neighboring elements of a tetrahedron
     t: tetrahedron element list, 4 columns of integers
     opt: if opt='surface', return boundary triangle list 
          (should be the same as the face output from v2m)
          otherwise, return the element list for each element:
          each row contains 4 numbers, representing the element
          indices sharing triangular faces [1 2 3],[1 2 4],[1 3 4]
          and [2 3 4] in order, where 1~4 is the node local index.
          if the index is 0, indicating the face has no neighbor
          (i.e. a boundary face)
     facenb: see opt

function f=maxsurf(facecell)

 return the surface with the maximum element number (not 
 necessarily in area) from a cell arry of surfaces
    facecell: a cell array, each element is a face array
    f: the surface data (node indices) for the surface with most elements

function mask=flatsegment(node,edge)

 decompose edge loops into flat segments alone arbitrary planes of the bounding box
 this code is fragile: it can not handle curves with many co-linear
 nodes near the corner point
    node:  x,y,z coordinates of each node of the mesh
    edge:  input, a single vector separated by NaN, each segment
           is a close-polygon consisted by node IDs 
    mask:  output, a cell, each element is a close-polygon 
           on x/y/z plane 

function newedge=orderloopedge(edge)

 order the node list of a simple loop based on connection sequence
        edge: a loop consisted by a sequence of edges, each row 
              is an edge with two integers: start/end node index
        newedge: reordered edge node list

function [X,V,E,F]=mesheuler(face)

 Euler's charastistics of a mesh
   face: a closed surface mesh
   X: Euler's charastistics
   V: number of vertices 
   E: number of edges
   F: number of faces

function seg=bbxflatsegment(node,loop)

 decompose edge loops into flat segments alone x/y/z 
 planes of the bounding box
    node:  x,y,z coordinates of each node of the mesh
    loop:  input, a single vector separated by NaN, each segment
             is a close-polygon consisted by node IDs 
    seg:   output, a single vector separated by NaN, each segment
             is a close-polygon on x/y/z plane 

1.5. Mesh processing and reparing

function [node,elem]=meshcheckrepair(node,elem,opt)

 check and repair a surface mesh
      node: input/output, surface node list, dimension (nn,3)
      elem: input/output, surface face element list, dimension (be,3)
      opt: options, including
            'duplicated': remove duplicated elements
            'isolated': remove isolated nodes
            'deep': call external jmeshlib to remove non-manifold vertices

function newelem=meshreorient(node,elem)

 reorder nodes in a surface or tetrahedral mesh to ensure all
 elements are oriented consistently
    node: list of nodes
    elem: list of elements (each row are indices of nodes of each element)
    newelem: the element list with consistent ordering

function elem=removedupelem(elem)

 remove doubly duplicated elements
    elem: list of elements (node indices)
    elem: element list after removing the duplicated elements

function [newnode,newelem]=removedupnodes(node,elem)

 removing the duplicated nodes from a mesh
   elem: integer array with dimensions of NE x 4, each row contains
         the indices of all the nodes for each tetrahedron
   node: node coordinates, 3 columns for x, y and z respectively
   newnode: nodes without duplicates
   newelem: elements with only the unique nodes

function [no,el]=removeisolatednode(node,elem)

 remove isolated nodes: nodes that are not included in any element
     node: list of node coordinates
     elem: list of elements of the mesh
     no: node coordinates after removing the isolated nodes
     el: element list of the resulting mesh

function fnew=removeisolatedsurf(v,f,maxdiameter)

 remove disjointed surface fragment by using mesh diameter
    v: list of nodes of the input surface
    f: list of triangles of the input surface
    maxdiameter: maximum bounding box size for surface removal
    fnew: new face list after removing the components smaller than 

function f=surfaceclean(f,v)

 remove surface patches that are located inside 
               the bounding box faces
      v: surface node list, dimension (nn,3)
      f: surface face element list, dimension (be,3)  
      f: faces free of those on the bounding box

function eid=getintersecttri(tmppath)

 get the IDs of self-intersecting elements from tetgen
 call this when tetgen complains about self-intersection
   tmppath: working dir, use mwpath('') in most cases
   eid: an array of all intersecting surface elements, 
     one can read the corresponding node/elem by

function elem=delendelem(elem,mask)

 delete elements whose nodes are all edge nodes
      elem: input/output, surface/volumetric element list
      mask: of length of node number, =0 for internal nodes, =1 for edge nodes

1.6. Mesh resampling and optimization

function [node,elem]=meshresample(v,f,keepratio)

 resample mesh using CGAL mesh simplification utility
    v: list of nodes
    f: list of surface elements (each row for each triangle)
    keepratio: decimation rate, a number less than 1, as the percentage
               of the elements after the sampling
    node: the node coordinates of the sampled surface mesh
    elem: the element list of the sampled surface mesh

function [newno,newfc]=remeshsurf(node,face,opt)

 remesh a triangular surface and the output is guaranteed to be
 free of self-intersecting element. This function is similar to 
 meshresample, but it can both downsample or upsample a mesh
	 node: list of nodes on the input suface mesh, 3 columns for x,y,z
	 face: list of trianglular elements on the surface, [n1,n2,n3,region_id]
	 opt: function parameters
	   opt.gridsize:  resolution for the voxelization of the mesh
	   opt.closesize: if there are openings, set the closing diameter
	   opt.elemsize:  the size of the element of the output surface
	   if opt is a scalar, it defines the elemsize and gridsize=opt/4
	 newno:  list of nodes on the resulting suface mesh, 3 columns for x,y,z
	 newfc:  list of trianglular elements on the surface, [n1,n2,n3,region_id]

function p=smoothsurf(node,mask,conn,iter,useralpha,usermethod,userbeta)

 smoothing a surface mesh
    node:  node coordinates of a surface mesh
    mask:  flag whether a node is movable: 0 movable, 1 non-movable
           if mask=[], it assumes all nodes are movable
    conn:  input, a cell structure of length size(node), conn{n}
           contains a list of all neighboring node ID for node n,
           this can be computed from meshconn function
    iter:  smoothing iteration number
    useralpha: scaler, smoothing parameter, v(k+1)=alpha*v(k)+(1-alpha)*mean(neighbors)
    usermethod: smoothing method, including 'laplacian','laplacianhc' and 'lowpass'
    userbeta: scaler, smoothing parameter, for 'laplacianhc'
    p: output, the smoothed node coordinates
    Based on [Bade2006], 'Lowpass' method outperforms 'Laplacian-HC' in volume
    preserving and both are significantly better than the standard Laplacian method
    [Bade2006]  R. Bade, H. Haase, B. Preim, "Comparison of Fundamental Mesh 
                Smoothing Algorithms for Medical Surface Models," 
                Simulation and Visualization, pp. 289-304, 2006. 

function [no,el,fc,nodemap]=sortmesh(origin,node,elem,ecol,face,fcol)

 sort nodes and elements in a mesh so that the indexed
 nodes and elements are closer to each order
 (this may reduce cache-miss in a calculation)
    origin: sorting all nodes and elements with the distance and
            angles wrt this location, if origin=[], it will be 
    node: list of nodes
    elem: list of elements (each row are indices of nodes of each element)
    ecol: list of columns in elem to participate sorting
    face: list of surface triangles (this can be omitted)
    fcol: list of columns in face to participate sorting
    no: node coordinates in the sorted order
    el: the element list in the sorted order
    fc: the surface triangle list in the sorted order (can be ignored)
    nodemap: the new node mapping order, no=node(nodemap,:)

1.7. File I/O

function saveasc(v,f,fname)

 save a surface mesh to FreeSurfer ASC mesh format
      v: input, surface node list, dimension (nn,3)
      f: input, surface face element list, dimension (be,3)
      fname: output file name

function savedxf(node,elem,face,fname)

 save a surface mesh to DXF format
      node: input, surface node list, dimension (nn,3)
      elem: input, tetrahedral element list, dimension (ne,4)
      face: input, surface face element list, dimension (be,3)
      fname: output file name

function saveinr(vol,fname)

 save a surface mesh to INR Format
      vol: input, a binary volume
      fname: output file name

function saveoff(v,f,fname)

 save a surface mesh to Geomview Object File Format (OFF)
      v: input, surface node list, dimension (nn,3)
      f: input, surface face element list, dimension (be,3)
      fname: output file name

function savesmf(v,f,fname)

 save a surface mesh to smf format
      v: input, surface node list, dimension (nn,3)
      f: input, surface face element list, dimension (be,3)
      fname: output file name

function savesurfpoly(v,f,holelist,regionlist,p0,p1,fname,forcebox)

 save a set of surfaces into poly format (for tetgen)
      v: input, surface node list, dimension (nn,3)
         if v has 4 columns, the last column specifies mesh density near each node
      f: input, surface face element list, dimension (be,3)
      holelist: list of holes, each hole is represented by an internal point
      regionlist: list of regions, similar to holelist
      p0: coordinate of one of the end of the bounding box
      p1: coordinate for the other end of the bounding box
      fname: output file name
      forcebox: non-empty: add bounding box, []: automatic
                if forcebox is a 8x1 vector, it will be used to 
                specify max-edge size near the bounding box corners

function savevrml(node,elem,face,fname)

 save a surface mesh to VRML 1.0 format
      node: input, surface node list, dimension (nn,3)
      elem: input, tetrahedral element list, dimension (ne,4)
      face: input, surface face element list, dimension (be,3)
      fname: output file name

function [node,elem]=readasc(fname)

 read FreeSurfer ASC mesh format
      fname: name of the asc file
      node: node positions of the mesh
      elem: element list of the mesh

function dat=readinr(fname)

 load a volume from an INR file
      fname: input file name
      dat: output, data read from the inr file

function [node,elem,face]=readmedit(filename)

 read Medit mesh format
    fname: name of the medit data file
    node: node coordinates of the mesh
    elem: list of elements of the mesh	    
    face: list of surface triangles of the mesh	    

function [node,elem]=readoff(fname)

 read Geomview Object File Format (OFF)
    fname: name of the OFF data file
    node: node coordinates of the mesh
    elem: list of elements of the mesh	    

function [node,elem]=readsmf(fname)

 read simple model format (SMF)
    fname: name of the	SMF data file
    node: node coordinates of the mesh
    elem: list of elements of the mesh

function [node,elem,face]=readtetgen(fstub)

 read tetgen output files
    fstub: file name stub
    node: node coordinates of the tetgen mesh
    elem: tetrahedra element list of the tetgen mesh
    face: surface triangles of the tetgen mesh

function flag=deletemeshfile(fname)

 delete a given work mesh file under the working directory
     fname: specified file name (without path)
     flag: not used

function binname=mcpath(fname)

 get full executable path by prepending a command directory path
    fname: input, a file name string
    binname: output, full file name located in the bin directory
    if global variable ISO2MESH_BIN is set in 'base', it will
    use [ISO2MESH_BIN filesep cmdname] as the command full path,
    otherwise, let matlab pass the cmdname to the shell, which
    will search command in the directories listed in system
    $PATH variable.

function tempname=mwpath(fname)

 get full temp-file name by prepend working-directory and current session name
    fname: input, a file name string
    tempname: output, full file name located in the working directory
    if global variable ISO2MESH_TEMP is set in 'base', it will use it
    as the working directory; otherwise, will use matlab function tempdir
    to return a working directory.
    if global variable ISO2MESH_SESSION is set in 'base', it will be
    prepended for each file name, otherwise, use supplied file name.

1.8. Volumetric image pre-processing

function islands=bwislands(img)

 return the indices of non-zero elements in a 2D or 3D image
 grouped by connected regions in a cell array
	 img: a 2D or 3D array
	 islands: a cell array, each cell records the indices 
		  of the non-zero elements in img for a connected 
		  region (or an island)

function resimg=fillholes3d(img,ballsize)

 close a 3D image with the speicified gap size and then fill the holes
    img: a 3D binary image
    ballsize: maximum gap size for image closing
    resimg: the image free of holes
 this function requires the image processing toolbox for matlab/octave

function cleanimg=deislands2d(img,sizelim)

 remove isolated islands on a 2D image below speicified size limit
 	img: a 2D binary image
 	sizelim: a integer as the maximum pixel size of a isolated region
 	cleanimg: a binary image after removing islands below sizelim

function cleanimg=deislands3d(img,sizelim)

 remove isolated islands for 3D image (for each slice)
      img: a 3D volumetric image
      sizelim: maximum island size (in pixels) for each x/y/z slice
      cleanimg: 3D image after removing the islands

function imgdiff=imedge3d(binimg,isdiff)

 Extract the boundary voxels from a binary image
 author: Aslak Grinsted <ag at>
   binimg: a 3D binary image
   isdiff: if isdiff=1, output will be all voxels which 
         is different from its neighbors; if isdiff=0 or 
         ignored, output will be the edge voxels of the 
         non-zero regions in binimg
   imgdiff: a 3D logical array with the same size as binimg
            with 1 for voxels on the boundary and 0 otherwise 

function p=internalpoint(v,aloop)

 imperical function to find an internal point
 of a planar polygon
    v:     x,y,z coordinates of each node of the mesh
    aloop:  input, a single vector separated by NaN, each segment
             is a close-polygon consisted by node IDs 
    p:   output, [x y z] of an internal point of aloop

function vol=smoothbinvol(vol,layer)

 convolve a 3x3 gaussian kernel to a binary image multiple times
     vol: a 3D volumetric image to be smoothed
     layer: number of iterations for the smoothing
     vol: the volumetric image after smoothing

function vol=thickenbinvol(vol,layer)

 thickening a binary volume by a given pixel width
 this is similar to bwmorph(vol,'thicken',3) except 
 this does it in 3d and only does thickening for 
 non-zero elements (and hopefully faster)
     vol: a volumetric binary image
     layer: number of iterations for the thickenining
     vol: the volume image after the thickening

function vol=thinbinvol(vol,layer)

 thining a binary volume by a given pixel width
 this is similar to bwmorph(vol,'thin',3) except 
 this does it in 3d and only does thickening for 
 non-zero elements (and hopefully faster)
     vol: a volumetric binary image
     layer: number of iterations for the thickenining
     vol: the volume image after the thickening

1.9. Mesh plotting

function hm=plotmesh(node,varargin)

 plot surface and volumetric meshes
      node: a node coordinate list, 3 columns for x/y/z
      face: a triangular surface face list
      elem: a tetrahedral element list
      opt:  additional options for the plotting
            for simple point plotting, opt can be markers
            or color options, such as 'r.', or opt can be 
            a logic statement to select a subset of the mesh,
            such as 'x>0 & y+z<1'; opt can have more than one
            items to combine these options, for example: 
            plotmesh(...,'x>0','r.'); the range selector must
            appear before the color/marker specifier
   hm: handle or handles (vector) to the plotted surfaces
   h=plotmesh(node,elem,'x<20 & y>0');

function hm=plotsurf(node,face,varargin)

 plot 3D surface meshes
      node: node coordinates, dimension (nn,3)
      face: triangular surface face list
      opt:  additional options for the plotting, see trisurf
   hm: handle or handles (vector) to the plotted surfaces

function hm=plottetra(node,elem,varargin)

 plot 3D surface meshes
      node: node coordinates, dimension (nn,3)
      elem: tetrahedral element list
      opt:  additional options for a patch object
   hm: handle or handles (vector) to the plotted surfaces

function [cutpos,cutvalue,facedata]=qmeshcut(elem,node,value,plane)

 fast tetrahedral mesh cross-section plot
   elem: integer array with dimensions of NE x 4, each row contains
         the indices of all the nodes for each tetrahedron
   node: node coordinates, 3 columns for x, y and z respectively
   value: a scalar array with the length of node numbers, can have 
          multiple columns 
   plane: defines a plane by 3 points: plane=[x1 y1 z1;x2 y2 z2;x3 y3 z3]
   cutpos: all the intersections of mesh edges by the plane
           cutpos is similar to node, containing 3 columns for x/y/z
   cutvalue: interpolated values at the intersections, with row number
           being the num. of the intersections, column number being the 
           same as "value".
   facedata: define the intersection polygons in the form of patch "Faces"
 the outputs of this subroutine can be easily plotted using 

1.10. Miscellaneous functions

function valnew=surfdiffuse(node,tri,val,ddt,iter,type1,opt)

 apply a smoothing/diffusion process on a surface
     node: list of nodes of the surface mesh
     tri: triangular element list of the surface
     val: vector, scalar value for each node
     ddt: diffusion coefficient multiplied by delta t
     iter: iterations for applying the smoothing
     type1: indices of the nodes which will not be updated
     opt: method, 'grad' for gradient based, and 'simple' for simple average
     valnew: nodal value vector after the smoothing

function [node,elem,face]=volmap2mesh(img,ix,iy,iz,elemnum,maxvol,thickness,Amat,Bvec)

 convert a binary volume to tetrahedral mesh
        img, ix,iy,iz, elemnum and  maxvol: see vol2mesh.m
        Amat: a 3x3 transformation matrix
        Bvec: a 3x1 vector
        Amat and Bvec maps the image index space to real world coordnate system by
         thickness: scale z-dimension of the mesh to specified thickness, if thickness==0, scaling is bypassed

function isoctave=isoctavemesh

 determine whether the code is running in octave
   isoctave: 1 if in octave, otherwise 0

function p=getvarfrom(ws,name)

 get variable value by name from specified work-space
    ws: name of the work-space, for example, 'base'
    name: name string of the variable
    p: the value of the specified variable, if the variable does not
       exist, return empty array

function [a,b,c,d]=getplanefrom3pt(plane)

 define a plane equation ax+by+cz+d=0 from three 3D points
    plane: a 3x3 matrix with each row specifying a 3D point (x,y,z)
    a,b,c,d: the coefficient for plane equation ax+by+cz+d=0

function exesuff=getexeext()

 get meshing external tool extension names for the current platform
     exesuff: file extension for iso2mesh tool binaries
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